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Bible Study - Wed - 7:00 PM

Praise and Worship - Fri - 7:00 PM -

Sunday Service - Sun -10:00 AM

Sunday Service - Sun - 12:00 PM

Our belief, Our mission

Welcome to Holy Spirit Evangelistic Church!

At Holy Spirit Evangelistic Church, we are a vibrant community dedicated to spiritual growth, fellowship, and service. Our members come from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared faith and a commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus Christ.

OUR ORGANIZATION Holy Spirit Evangelistic Church is a not for profit, 501c3, religious organization registered with the State of Florida. We have been established for 22 years, date of incorporation in October 1996. Our church is a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. We strive to create an environment that fosters meaningful connections, spiritual growth, and a sense of belonging.

MISSION: Our mission is to worship God with joy, reverence, and thankfulness; to welcome all believers and seekers with open arms and open hearts; and to serve our community.


  • THE SCRIPTURES: We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and is inerrant in the original writings. The Bible being the revealed Word of God is the ground and foundation from which all claims of truth shall be substantiated. The Word of God is alive and quick! Through God’s sovereign hand, the Scriptures have been preserved and are the supreme and final authority. (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21; Hebrews 4:12)

  • GOD We believe that there is only one true and living God. He is a triune God, - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are all of one essence; they all have the same nature, perfection and attributes. (Genesis 1:1-3, 26; Matthew 3:16,17; John 1:1,14, 10:30, 14:26, 15:26; Matthew 28:19)

  • JESUS We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; that he shed His blood on Calvary in our place, was buried, rose again and ascended to the Father, according to the Scriptures. (Luke 1:26-33, 22:20, 24:46)

  • THE HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity — God — and coexistent with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is the Chief Agent in the regeneration of the soul, the Chief Convictor of sin and the Chief Comforter of the believer. Simultaneous with regeneration, the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the body of Christ, permanently indwells him and seals him in salvation for all eternity. The Holy Spirit is the giver of spiritual gifts to the believer. (John 16:1-13; Acts 5:3-4; Titus 3:5; Matthew 3:11; Ephesians 1:13-14; I Corinthians 12:1-11)

  • MAN We believe that man is the direct creation of God — body, soul and spirit. The sin and fall of Adam resulted in the fall of creation and mankind, both physically and spiritually. (Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 3:10, 5:12, 8:18-23)

  • SALVATION We believe that all who, in faith, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior are born again by the Holy Spirit and thus become the children of God. Salvation involves redemption, regeneration, sanctification and glorification. (Ephesians 1:7; Romans 10:9-10, 5:7-11; Colossians 1:13-14, 21-22; John 17:16-22; II Corinthians 5:17; I Corinthians 6:19)

  • ETERNAL SECURITY We believe that salvation is not only a gift from God but is sustained by Him as well. Salvation is wholly of the Lord, apart from the works of man. The Holy Spirit permanently indwells the believer and seals him in salvation for all eternity. Therefore, the believer shall be kept by the power of God through faith. (John 3:16, 10:27-29, 14:16-17, 26; Ephesians 1:13; 2:8-9; Philippians 1:6; I Peter 1:5; Jude 24-25

We invite you to join us and experience the warmth, love, and joy that define our church family. Whether you are a lifelong Christian or just beginning your spiritual journey, there is a place for you at Holy Spirit Evangelistic Church.

Johnnie Eubanks

SR. PASTOR / Founder

Gilbert Collins


Latoya Collins


Pastors and Elders



Sidney Federic

Sr. Deacon

Michael Everette


Deborah Collins

Mother evangelist

Evangelist Everette


Chaundra Federic


Deacons and Evangelists

Ministries and Programs